
Autism Children Technical System (ACTS)

This project is the final year project submitted to my university Al-Ahgaff University. And the system was made for Hadramout Foundation for Autism.

ACTS manages the state of the autistic children and children with special needs. It enables the assignment of goals for children and tracking how the child performs the goal by evaluating the goal with a description by the trainer. The project shows weekly, monthly, or annual reports on the child’s goals’ progress. These reports and other information can be shown by the child’s parents online. ACTS transfers the manual management and education system into an integrated computer system that facilitates the many written and complex processes for easier operations (e.g., children’s information, goals, evaluations, …etc.).


Children with autism or special needs are trained with complex processes and overwhelming duplicated written papers. Therefore, ACTS is cost-effective in the sense that it has eliminated the paperwork. Also, the system is time effective because the calculations are automated and are made to the trainer’s requirements. Finally, ACTS is easy to use and learn due to its simple attractive interface. Trainers do not require special training to operate the system.

Some of the Features

  • Sending direct notifications to the parents about their child. And to the Admin for every new event on the system.

  • Beautiful and accurate graphs on various data, and analyses of the child’s performance.

  • Support for Arabic and English languages.

  • Displaying the latest activities, such as goals, evaluations, and others, in a vertical timeline, according to the user’s role, such as the parents seeing their children’s information…etc.

  • Backup the database and restore data from the backup in case of data loss.

  • General and detailed search for all tables with the ability to export to Excel, print, or copy the table.

Video Explaining the System (In Arabic)


The project was awarded the Certificate of Participation and won the Gold Medal among 174 participating projects from different countries. In the Research and Innovation Poster Competition (RIPC) organized by the Malaysian MNNF Network. The winners were announced on Saturday, February 25, 2023.

Award Certificate

Award certificate Award Certificate

Participation Certificate

Participation Certificate Participation Certificate

The Poster

ACTS Poster The Poster

Gold Award

Gold Award Gold Award


Login Page

Login Page Login Page

Home Page

Home Page Home Page

Accounts Page (Accessed only by the Admin)

Accounts Page (Accessed only by the Admin) Accounts Page (Accessed only by the Admin)

Programs Page

Programs Page Programs Page

Fields Page

Fields Page Fields Page

Activities Page

Activities Page Activities Page

Children Page

Children Page Children Page

Child Report Page

Child Report Page Child Report Page

Goals Page

Goals Page Goals Page

Home Page in Arabic Language

Home Page in Arabic Language Home Page in Arabic Language

Notifications Dialog and Pop up

Notifications Dialog and Pop up Notifications Dialog and Pop up

Settings & Preferences Page

Settings & Preferences Page Settings & Preferences Page


Local deployment steps

  1. Run npm install inside the frontend-angular and backend-nest directories to install all packages needed.
  2. Build the front-end project.
  3. Install MySQL and make sure its service starts when the Server starts up.
  4. Run the database-mysql/schema.sql file by MySQL to create the Database and its schema.
  5. Change the environment variables of .env file to the database settings (port, user).
  6. Check the router DHCP IPs scope, then assign the Server to static IP that is not in DHCP scope.
  7. Change the HOST_SERVER variable in the .env file to the Server static IP.
  8. Run the NodeJs. (Can be accessed by http://ip:port where ip is the Server IP and port is the NodeJs port). ip and port can be changed from .env file.

You can run the project locally by Docker using the existing Docker compose file instead of installing and configuring the frontend, backend, and database.


  1. Create a file that runs the NodeJs. (CMD shortcut with the run command).
  2. Create an Edge Application of the local website to run it as a Desktop application.


Package Version
NodeJs 18.13.0
npm (Package Manager) 8.19.3
MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE
Angular CLI 15.0.5
@anSet-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSignedgular-devkit/architect 0.1500.5 (CLI-only)
@angular-devkit/core 15.0.4
@angular-devkit/schematics 15.0.4
@schematics/angular 15.0.5 (CLI-only)
Nest CLI 9.1.8
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.